Third Agers

Table Talk for Third Agers is for the early-retired who are looking to get together with friends.

Table Talk is a conversational game that helps you discuss challenging topics, create honest and safe communities, laugh with friends, encourage and support other people. Each of the six themes has 16 question cards in it, you can preview some of these questions below.



At times, life can be quite serious. As we navigate changes in family life, issues with our job or retirement, money worries or fears about our health, it is natural to live with an attitude of concern. Some of the respites when life gets difficult are good friends, a bottle of wine, some good quality food and a moment to power down and simply laugh with each other and, on occasion, at each other. With this set of question cards players can take a break from the realities of everyday life and breathe.

Good Old Days

It doesn’t happen often enough! It often occurs when old friends come to visit, or at a family wedding or sometimes after the death of a really good friend. At times like these, you might find yourself sitting next to someone that you haven’t seen for some time. Sometimes it can be ignited by a song on the wireless or glancing through an old photo album. A walk down memory lane can be both a painful and an overwhelmingly joyful experience. With this set of question cards players get the chance to read from the slates of yesterday.


What’s your formula for personal happiness? For most people the ingredients of a happy life include good friends, good health and a happy family. With this set of question cards player get to talk about their friends and family. There is no guarantee that you will leave the table happier than when you sat down, but you will have the chance to explore this important dimension of living well.

Staying Fit

Whether it's daily walks, armchair aerobics or ballroom dancing, it’s not just about physical fitness. How do we stay emotionally, relationally, spiritually, psychologically and mentally fit? We are more than simply physical beings, and so what do you need to do to ensure that you stay in shape in each of the other areas?

The Last Lap

Running a race takes energy and focus. The last mile of a marathon is not something to fear but rather to celebrate. The feeling a runner gets when they cross that line is one of the greatest achievements; it’s exhilarating. A good runner will be prepared for the last lap of the race and know how to dig deep to finish well. With this set of question cards we are exploring life’s finishing line and what it means to end well.

World Issues

With age comes wisdom, so they say. One of the benefits of growing older is the increase in knowledge and wisdom. That said, some of the greatest dilemmas and difficult questions still remain unfathomable. With this set of question cards players are invited to explore some of life’s more complicated and controversial issues.